The importance of media presentation and effective communication was the topic of today’s workshop, held for members of the IVVK Lawyers team as a part of this law firm's employee development program - IVVK-UpSkill.
The workshop “Presentation on social and TV media“, aiming at clarification of aspects important for the efficient transmission of a message in named formats, was held by the TV journalist Nataša Jovanović from the media house Euronews Serbia. She provided answers to the members of our team and explained the journalistic needs for expert opinion in the field of law and legislation, through what formats such an opinion can be expressed, how to effectively formulate an opinion to be understandable to a wider audience and the importance of rhetorical and presentational skills.
Aspects of web and social media content writing, such as adequate form, content and style in considering topics in the field of law and economics were also discussed during the workshop. Members of our team had the opportunity to learn first-hand how the media perceives the information that are placed before them.
The information in this announcement does not represent legal advice and is provided for general informational purposes only.